Tag: Guide

Grubmaster’s Guide

Grubmaster Documents


Attention Grubmasters: Managing the food-buying task for your patrol is a very important job!

Your patrol members are going to be hungry and unhappy if you don’t buy enough food and
leftover food is often wasted if you buy too much. A Scout is Thrifty is an important Scout Law to
remember. You must keep track of which Patrol members are attending the campout so you
know how many people you are feeding. Knowing your budget ($25 per person), planning your
meals, and managing your funds are big parts of being successful in this leadership task.

Save All Your Receipts

Place receipts in an envelope labeled with your name, Patrol name, and the total cost of the
food, ice, and supplies. Buying food for the Patrol is supposed to be a break-even situation. As
Grubmaster, it is your responsibility to stay within your food budget.

Planning and Shopping

  1. Scouts are often ravenous, but sometimes, they don’t eat very much. Ask the
    Scouts/Scouters within your Patrol how much they will eat. For example, will they eat
    one sandwich or two sandwiches? How many slices of cheese do they want on their
    sandwich(es)? How many eggs will they eat if you’re making scrambled eggs? Be sure
    to note these details on the menu plan for use when you do the shopping. If you’re
    unsure about the counts, a good rule of thumb is to double the listed serving size.
  2. Make sure to follow the budget. If you need to save money (remember, the budget is
    $25 per person), you can cut down on costs by taking snacks and/or desserts off the
    menu and choosing cheaper brands and/or fewer varieties of meats, cheeses, and
    sides. To make the most of your funds, shop at Aldi first and then get remaining items at
    a name brand store if needed.
  3. Be sure to purchase pre-cooked sausage if you’re purchasing sausage.
  4. If you are buying snacks, buy snacks that have a longer “shelf life” and give the extras to
    your Patrol Leader to store and track for the next campout. (Don’t just distribute and/or
    eat the snacks because there are extras.) Each grubmaster should check with their
    Patrol Leader to see if it is necessary to purchase new/additional snacks.|
  5. Be sure to evaluate the costs when considering single-serve snacks.
  6. Additional drinks for lunches, dinners, and snacks are not recommended. Scouts could
    have juice or milk with breakfasts but should focus on water at other times.
  7. Condiments and other items that can be stored for use later should be stored by the
    Patrol Leader and tracked so that it can be used at the next campout/when needed.
    Each grubmaster should check with their Patrol Leader to see if it is necessary to
    purchase new/additional condiments.
  8. If unsure about the amount of food and you have money in the budget, always buy more
    rather than less.
  9. Consider the weather when determining your meal plans — if it’s cold, ensure that you
    are making hot foods. If it’s hot, you may not want to make hot foods for breakfast or
  10. Dutch oven meals provide warm meals with little prep work or oversight. Check out a
    Dutch oven cookbook and try some new recipes.
  11. Make sure you have fruits and/or vegetables with each meal.
  12. Ensure that you purchase wood if you are cooking by fire and/or want/need a campfire
    (or several campfires). Foraging for wood is wise if possible in your camping location,
    and you will need to forage for kindling. Keep the weather in mind when determining how
    much you plan to forage and how much you may need to purchase.
  13. Don’t forget to consider how you’re cooking the food and to get charcoal if needed; don’t
    try to save money by buying cheaper charcoal — it won’t work well. It is recommended
    that you purchase Kingsford charcoal. NEVER purchase charcoal with the lighter fluid.
  14. Don’t forget to buy ice (or fill and freeze empty bottles or Ziploc baggies in advance) to
    keep the cold items cold. You’ll need more ice the hotter it is outside, but you always
    need ice.
  15. Make sure to check with the quartermaster to ensure that you have enough propane if
    you’re using the camp stoves. The quartermaster should have this inventory from the
    last campout.
  16. Grubmasters should purchase/bring two rolls of paper towels.
  17. For some campouts, especially at Richwoods and Camp MacClosson, the grubmaster
    will need to purchase/bring toilet paper as well.
  18. The grubmaster must lead the shopping efforts, not the grubmaster’s parent,
    grandparent, guardian, etc. However, the adult may/should certainly make suggestions
    and offer guidance.
  19. Save your receipts and be sure to submit them to the Treasurer

Preparation and Packing

  1. If you have time, cut items (for example, peppers and potatoes) before you pack them
    and take them to camp, premeasure rice or other items, pre-cook meat so it only has to
    be warmed up at camp. It saves so much time!
  2. For food safety, use a cooler and ice.
  3. Instead of purchasing bagged ice, you can also use gallon Ziploc bags. Fill them partway, seal them, and lay them flat to freeze. If you’re using jugs, fill them three-fourths full of water and freeze the jugs several days before departing for camp. Remember to keep the jug’s cap off during the freezing process. By having frozen water bags or jug(s), you can avoid melting ice making your Patrol’s food in the cooler all soggy.
  1. Remove excess wrappings to reduce weight and trash at the campsite. Ziploc-type
    plastic bags are an excellent choice for different packaging.
  2. Pack bread and squishable items on top.
  3. Make sure you have physical copies of recipes, duty rosters, and other papers you need
    easily available so you can reference them at camp with or without signal.
  4. Be sure to email the duty roster to your patrol prior to the campout.

At the End of the Campout/Following the Campout

  1. The grubmaster should review food/non-perishable items with their Patrol Leader. The
    Patrol Leader will keep a list of what the Patrol has available in order to share that
    information during the next campout’s meal planning and ensure items are not wasted.
  2. The Patrol Leader will store the items and bring the selected items to the next campout.
  3. The grubmaster will need to report items that are low (e.g., propane, Ziplocks, trash
    bags, sanitizing tablets, etc.) to the Scout and adult quartermasters. They will be able to
    determine whether the Troop will replenish the supplies or whether the appropriate
    Patrol Leader should be contacted to make a note that the next grubmaster will need to
    purchase/bring the applicable supplies for the next campout.
  4. Don’t forget to send receipts to the Treasurer (778gtreas@gmail.com) if you have not
    already done so.

Eagle Scout Project and Application Guidance

This post provides advice and guidance based on others’ experiences on their paths to Eagle. Some actions can be taken and some signatures can be received in different orders, but the following is what Troop 778G considers best practices. 

When and How to Begin

Eagle Scout Rank Badge

Scouts should be thinking about their Eagle Scout projects while in Star rank, at the latest, but cannot begin actively working on their Eagle Scout projects until they enter Life rank. It is recommended that Scouts read the entire current/approved Eagle Project Workbook prior to starting with active work toward the project, particularly because they need to track all planning, fundraising, and working (execution) hours for themselves (the Eagle candidate), their family members, and other adult and youth helpers. 

When the Life Scout is ready to work more actively on the project, the first step is to read the Eagle Project Workbook (if not already done). The second step is to select an Eagle Project Coach. The coach may be helpful in working with the Scout to select a project and/or find a beneficiary/beneficiary sponsor. The coach can provide feedback on project ideas and help make important connections to possible beneficiaries and beneficiary sponsors. 

Building the Proposal

Once the project and beneficiary/beneficiary sponsor is confirmed, the Scout should definitely begin tracking time spent planning the project, working on the Eagle Project Workbook, etc. It is now time for the Scout to begin work on the project proposal using the current/approved Eagle Project Workbook. When the proposal pages are complete, the Scout should first request a review by their Eagle Project Coach. Incorporate feedback from the coach into the proposal as appropriate (it is, however, the Scout’s choice whether to incorporate the feedback) and resend as needed until the Scout is ready to send the pages on to the beneficiary sponsor for their feedback. Again, the Scout should incorporate any feedback received that they feel is appropriate and resend the pages as needed until the beneficiary sponsor is ready to sign the proposal. There must be a balance/compromise between what the beneficiary sponsor and Scout envision/want in order to move forward. 

The Scout must then meet with the Scoutmaster to request their review of the project proposal and get their signature in the Unit Leader Approval space. Once the Scoutmaster has signed, the Scout must meet with the Committee Chair for their review of the project proposal and to get their signature in the Unit Committee Approval space. Both the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair will likely offer advice and suggestions that the Scout may take or not as they continue with their project. 

At this point, the Scout signs as the Candidate and the project review is ready to be scheduled! The Scout must email gteagleprojects@gmail.com to request a project review for council/district approval. The email should include the completed Eagle Scout Project Proposal pages, including the signatures of the Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, Beneficiary Representative, and Scout; any blueprints or designs relevant to the project proposal; and any other supporting documents, including photographs. 

The Project Plan and Fundraising

Once the project review is complete and council/district approval has been granted (indicated by a signature in the Council or District Approval space of the project proposal), the Scout may move forward with their project plan pages of the workbook and with their fundraising efforts. 

If more than $500 in funds must be raised, the Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application (found in the Eagle Project Workbook) must be completed and the necessary signatures (beneficiary sponsor, Scoutmaster, and council) must be obtained. Fundraising cannot proceed until the application is approved by council. Additionally, no actual work may completed on the project until the plan is approved. 

Following fundraising approval, if approval is required, the Scout may seek material donations and complete fundraising efforts in a variety of different ways. The Scout should talk to Scouts who have gone through the process, their Eagle Project Coach, and/or other adult leaders to get ideas and/or feedback about their fundraising plans. The Scout should also consider submitting a grant request to the St. Louis Eagle Scout Association. However, please note that this application requires the completed project plan pages of the workbook and it can take several months for the grant application to be processed and addressed. No signatures are needed for the project plan pages of the workbook, but the Eagle Project Coach must provide comments on the last page of the plan. 

The Scout may proceed with fundraising, scheduling workdays, etc., as appropriate/as needed and based on the needs/timeline of the beneficiary. Ongoing consultation with the Eagle Project Coach and adult leadership in the troop is highly recommended. The Scout should definitely request that their workday scheduling information be shared with the troop/entered in TeamSnap. 

Project Report

Following the project workdays, the Scout must complete the Eagle Scout Service Project Report – the last section of the workbook. Once this section is completed, the Eagle Project Coach should review the pages and provide feedback. This feedback should be incorporated into the report if the Scout would like, and the Scout may want to resend the report to the coach until they’re both ready to move the report forward. The coach’s signature is not requested on the project plans pages, but their feedback is often very valuable. The report should then be sent to the beneficiary sponsor for their review and signature. Again, any feedback the Scout would like to include should be incorporated into the report. Once the beneficiary sponsor signs, the report should be reviewed by the Scoutmaster for their signature in the unit leader approval space. (NOTE: If the beneficiary sponsor refuses to sign the project report for any reason, the Scout may proceed without the beneficiary sponsor’s signature.) 

The Eagle Project is now complete – and can be signed off in Scoutbook! If the Scout has earned all of the Eagle-required merit badges as well as the required number of elective merit badges and met the other requirements for Eagle rank, particularly the leadership requirement, the 

The Eagle Scout Application

Scout should be working on their Eagle Scout Application, which can be found on the Greater St. Louis Area Council website and/or generated as a pre-filled application out of Scoutbook. (NOTE: The pre-filled application should still be reviewed for accuracy and updates made as needed.) The application requires at least five letters of recommendation as well as a statement of the Eagle candidate’s “ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations, during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service.” The letters of recommendation should be requested as soon as possible in order to give people from whom they’re requested time to write and provide them. The letters should be provided to the Scout in hard copy in sealed envelopes. 

Once requirements noted on the Eagle Scout Application have been received/completed, the Scout will meet with the Scoutmaster for their Scoutmaster conference and to get the Scoutmaster’s signature in the unit leader space. Then, the Scout will meet with the committee chair for their signature. 

The Scout may then take the following items to council (4568 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108): 

  1. Eagle Scout Application with all signatures
  2. All merit badge blue cards earned (either the original blue cards or print-outs from Scoutbook)
  3. All applicable letters of recommendation provided in individual sealed envelopes from the references
  4. Scout’s statement of ambitions and leadership experiences
  5. Eagle Project Workbook with supporting documentation and photographs

Eagle Board of Review

Once council has approved the application (by signing in the BSA Local Council Verification area of the application), the council representative will provide the Scout with the information regarding who to contact for the Eagle Board of Review. The Scout should reach out to request the Eagle Board of Review as soon as possible, and once the Board of Review is complete (indicated by a signature in Requirement 7 of the Eagle Scout Application), the Scout should email the signed application to Council at help@stlbsa.org for the application to be processed, sent to national, etc. The signed application can also be hand-delivered to the Council office, where the Scout and their family can also shop for Eagle Scout items. With the signature from the Board of Review, the Scout is officially an Eagle Scout! 


The official Eagle Scout certificate from national may take up to six weeks to receive, so consider that timeframe when planning an Eagle Court of Honor (which can be as formal or informal as the Scout would like).